The Thief of Joy


COMPARISON is the thief of joy !!!

Heard this the other day, and it reminded me.

We are all different. We all have different journeys. We set goals, and work our way towards them. Some of us get there quicker, and easier than others – or so it seems. Some of us take our time, and still get there in the end. What we must remember is we each have our own journey to reach our own goals.

I am the first to admit, although I try not to, I most certainly do look at others and think WHY CAN”T I?? If she’s so successful, why can’t I be? If she can run so fast why can’t I? She’s a great parent, how come I’m not? Then I do stop, tell those monkey voices in my head to just shut the …. up, and look at how great I really am. I’m successful in my own right. I can run as fast as I want to (I’m not running anyone else’s race). My kids love and respect me.

We honestly need to stop looking at others and comparing ourselves, and stop consistently asking ourselves if they can do it, how come I can’t? We all can, we have to do it in our own way, in our own time. And enjoy the journey. Appreciate what you are doing for yourself. Love what you are doing for yourself. And keep doing it. You will get there!


Need a helping hand to get there, then contact me.


Start kicking up your heels,


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