Healthy body. Healthy mind. Be happy

fit and happy

You need both a healthy mind and a healthy body to be happy.

The two are interconnected at every level. You cannot have a healthy body long term without a healthy mind. A happy mind.

It’s no secret to anyone that when you’re healthy, you’re happy. We all know that what we eat has a big impact on our physical wellbeing (you are what you eat? Anyone?).  The benefits of good health – eating well, exercising, using natural probiotic supplements – are many. I mean, think about it: looking better, being stronger, being fitter, dealing with fewer health issues and just feeling good overall, would make anyone happier with life.

Healthy body means healthy mind. Healthy mind means happiness. So, think about your diet – scratch that word – think about what you put in your mouth every day to ‘nourish’ yourself. Are there foods you eat too much of? Are there drinks you drink too much of? Sure, they might make you happy temporarily, but are they really making you happy? Think about it. Deep down are you happy with your eating choices – or really, do you often chide yourself – “I shouldn’t have eaten that”, “I shouldn’t have had that third drink”?

Since I mentioned drink- think about what you imbibe. A lot of people use caffeine or alcohol to alter their mood, however these effects are temporary, and if you continue to keep up that feeling, you often feel much worse than when you started. (Now if you don’t – then perhaps it’s time to seek professional help – way outside of my expertise). I’m not saying become a tea totaller, but I am asking you to question your drinking habits. Are they just that – habits? You wake up – you have a coffee. Morning tea time – another coffee. Lunch time – another coffee. Afternoon tea… oh you get the gist. Same with alcohol – you get home, have a glass of wine (or a beer, or a scotch) to calm down after a hectic day. Have another whilst dinner is cooking. Have another with dinner. Have an after-dinner drink. Sound familiar? Habitual. Do you really need it? Try a day without it and see how you go. If you can’t, then you have created bad habits and need to start changing them (that’s another blog).

Look I know it’s easy to forgo healthy foods because there are so many fast, convenient foods on offer, but honestly there are so many opportunities that are so much better for you. Just look for them. Do your research and see what’s right for you. Is there someone you know, admire or look up to, that can help you? Seek them out. Most people are more than happy to share their knowledge and help. If you don’t know them personally do they have a website, a book, a podcast? Don’t find excuses – I don’t have the time, I don’t have the money, I don’t know what to do. Your health and happiness are what keep you alive. How long do you want to be alive? Are there loved ones you want to be around for? To see them grow up. No family? What about fur babies? What about travel? What about helping your community. Think outside of yourself.

Like I said at the beginning, you can’t have a healthy body long term without a healthy mind. If you don’t believe at the deepest level that you are a healthy person, you will sabotage yourself every time. If you are a person who loses weight only to gain it back, your beliefs do not match your visions. You believe something other than what you are trying to accomplish and your mind brings your body back to the unhealthy state again and again. I can help you with that – I’m a coach that’s what I do.

You need a healthy mind and a healthy body to be happy in life. Truthfully, you can have thousands of dollars in your wallet, but if you’re overweight, underweight, consistently fatigued or lacking energy, and finding life a drudge to get around, are you really happy? And honestly, successful people value themselves highly and invest in their own wellbeing. They have a vision of themselves happy, healthy, successful. They enjoy life and do not want illness or injury to stop them. You want to be successful, and happy, you need to be healthy too.

I am healthy, and happy. Here are ten quick tips, small steps to start improving your health:

  1. Add 2 more glasses of water to your fluid intake every day
  2. Take the stairs instead of the elevator (unless it’s a 40 storey building of course – don’t want to give you a heart attack instead of a little fitness)
  3. Go for a walk, and make it brisk, not a dawdle
  4. Eat a lighter morning meal filled with a balance of protein, fat and carbs to make sure you have energy to get you through til lunch
  5. Swap white bread, pasta, rice for wholegrain versions, (try grating zucchini into your pasta sauce – yummo)
  6. Swap sweet potato chips for potato chips – homemade and baked not fried
  7. Avoid sugary drinks and snacks – the sugar hit doesn’t last long, and doesn’t do your hips (or teeth) any good, substitute with mineral water and fruit, try snacks of almonds, cashews, berries (oh and low fat snacks are not always better – check the sugar content!)
  8. Do not skip meals – if you’re hungry you’ll pick at anything
  9. Go to bed earlier – establish a good sleep pattern
  10. Stretch daily – you don’t have to be a gym junkie, or a marathon runner – everyone’s muscles need stretching

So many people think being healthy is a difficult, arduous task, involving PTs, hours at the gym, and months of dieting. But it’s just not. By controlling your daily activities, anyone can become healthy and remain healthy – at any age. (I’ve just given you 10 small steps to start). It’s not so hard – just start. I found what works for me, you can find what works for you.

Get your health mind in line with your health goals. Stop bouncing. Stop sabotaging. Match your beliefs with your visons. Be happy.

Need help? I’m just a click away.

Start kicking up your heels,
